(This is a 3-minute read with a video at the end designed to cheer you up!)
Since many people are staying home, their school and work schedules have been disrupted. It doesn’t mean their personal time needs to take a hit in the process. So as parents turn into teachers and older siblings and adult relatives turn into daycare providers for children, don’t forget you have a mini resort and spa right in your backyard. After the kids complete their e-learning and digital homework assignments and you stop stressing about math equations and reading passages, turn to your relaxation station and enjoy a “Staycation.”
You remember that often overused term of the early 21st century. Well “staycations” apply now more than ever with the record number of people staying safe and healthy by social distancing and a form of a Spring hibernation. This is the time to fall back in love with your hot tub and make the most of the time with your loved ones – but remember you still need to maintain your spa with great water. Water is life and crystal clear, odor-free, silky smooth water is a way of life that only SilkBalance spa owners get to appreciate right about now.
Your local spa retailer may have temporarily shut the doors to their retail store, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t purchase SilkBalance water care products. Try calling your authorized SilkBalance retailer and asking to place an order over the phone for doorstep/curbside delivery or pick up. Many businesses are doing this – including grocery stores. This shift in business model also is taking place for many SilkBalance retailers. You cannot neglect your spa water now when you have so much extra soaking time on your hands. Health and safety are always paramount.
After you have made food (and toilet paper) provisions, turn your attention to your spa. In order to keep your water healthy, you need to have enough sanitizer, such as chlorine or bromine, or you need to ensure that your salt system is turned up enough to produce the correct amount of salt. And do not forget that if your pH or Alkalinity is out of range, your sanitizer will not be effective or efficient. Make sure you have enough SilkBalance to make it soft, balanced and odor free.
And since you have extra time, why not drain and refill your spa with some fresh water? When you do, run a bottle of Clean Start through the spa system and give it a deep cleaning like no other product can. It’s fast and simple.
Spas offer great reasons to relax and add other elements to living happier and healthier with a boost to your overall wellness feeling. We are most definitely pointing out that as a spa owner, you have a vacation-like retreat that is only a few steps away – and it meets the social distancing criteria away from your neighbors. Now more than ever is the time to take a soak!
See what SilkBalancemeans when we say "Happy Hot Tubbing"

By Eric Vician
Director of Promotions & Key Accounts